It's Time To Get Your Books Seen By Producers, Directors, Agents, and Movie Stars 

who can get them to the big screen...

you don’t need a screenplay, or an agent to get your book to the Hollywood movie screen. You only need TWO THINGS and both are available here.

  • 1. You need my Book to Screen Handout, dubbed Tools for an indie author to survive in Hollywood. It’s Free. Download it HERE.
  • 2. You need Book Coverage

What is Coverage?

Coverage is the one tool all of Hollywood uses to evaluate material. No movie gets made without first having Coverage. Most Coverage services in Hollywood specialize in script Coverage.  Book to Screen Coverage was created with authors in mind so that authors could get high quality Coverage for their books at reasonable prices.

But what is Coverage?

Coverage is a written report that provides analysis of a screenplay, book, blog, play, or anything written. Producers, directors, and film executives do not have time to read our books.  Instead, they read the Coverage.  If they like the Coverage, they BUY!

Coverage usually consists of three elements: synopsis of the story, comments from the reader, and a rating (Pass, Consider With Reservations, Consider, or Recommend).

Book to Screen Coverage

Our Coverage is designed to attract interest to your book or manuscript by guiding the reader on how they can turn your book into a movie. We know exactly what studios are looking for, and we make sure to highlight these areas when we create your Coverage, putting your book in the best possible position to become a movie.

We offer two Coverage options:

General Coverage (turnaround approximately 30 days) This professionally prepared document starts by giving a general review of the book.  The standard recommend, pass or consider will be utilized. Then, the author of the Coverage guides the reader through  the story, showing how it can be made into a movie or TV show. This is a four to five page document, recognized by industry professionals as the one thing they need to secure interest in your book in Hollywood.

  • Logline
  • Treatment – story summary
  • Grade on manuscript – concept, structure, plot, character development, dialogue (if applicable). Your Recommend grade is what Hollywood uses in choosing what becomes a movie.


Developmental Coverage – (turnaround approximately 30 – 60 days)

This is for the author who sees a movie or television series as their endgame, but recognizes it may not be there yet. This author knows how to write visually and wants their book to read like a movie. The work here is more extensive than what is offered in general coverage. This is only for books or manuscripts where the author is seeking developmental notes on how to improve the material (for it to be a movie). Authors will receive actionable development notes with suggestions as to what they can do to strengthen their material for movie industry standards.

There are books in the marketplace that read like movies. Examples of this are The Pelican Brief by John Grisham (or anything written by Grisham) and Wool by indie author Hugh Howey. I dare you to read these books and not have movie stars in mind.

  • Logline
  • Extensive notes and comments on the theme, structure, plot, story, character relationships, and dialogue
  • Once the author has brought the material up to standards we will issue general Coverage with a recommend rating.

*Note: developmental Coverage is for the author’s eyes only and should not be given to anyone as a tool to consider a movie. Document length is five to nine pages.

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Enter your name and email below and Robin will be in touch.

We value your privacy and would never spam you.


No book shorter that 35,000 words will be accepted.

General Coverage

35,000-50,000 words $500

50,000-80,000 words $750

80,000-105,000 words $1000

105,000-130,000 words $1,250

Developmental Coverage

35,000-50,000 words $1,000

50,000-80,000 words $1,250

80,000-105,000 words $1,500

105,000-130,000 words $1,750

To ensure that we deliver the highest standards, we will only be accepting 5 books or manuscripts during each quarter of 2018.  There are a precious few slots available, so please register now to guarantee your place in the queue. Book concepts will need to be approved before we will accept a book for general Coverage.  We want to make sure we are Covering books that have the very best chance of making it in Hollywood.

If you're ready to get your book to the screen, click the button below, and we will be in touch. Signing up does not guarantee you a spot. I apologize in advance to those of you who are not accepted at this time.

*All Coverage will be done by 20 year Hollywood professional, Robin Claire.

* Once your Coverage is completed, you will get the chance to brainstorm with Hollywood insider, E. Van Lowe on how to get your Coverage in the right hands.  This kind of consultation is invaluable.

Book to Screen Coverage is your best chance for getting your book to the movie or TV screen.  So act NOW! Spots are extremely limited.

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Enter your name and email below and Robin will be in touch.

We value your privacy and would never spam you.