Are You Ready To Finally Make This Year YOUR Year OR Would You Rather Watch Others Succeed?

Dear Writer,

Enough is enough!

My name is E. Van Lowe and I'm a Bestselling author.  Man, I love saying that! But there was a time when I couldn't say I was Bestselling, or even an author.

I couldn't achieve my dream of being an author because no matter how I tried, I couldn't finish anything I started. I suffered from unfinish-itis. 

I'd write in fits and starts, writing a little bit this week and then I'd write nothing for weeks and weeks. Eventually I'd abandon the unfinished project only to repeat the cycle again and again.

I knew in my heart I was keeping myself from my dream, but I was STUCK.  Sound familiar?

Then Something Clicked

One day I discovered the magic bullet for writing success. The secret formula to write and keep writing.

Once that happened I found myself brimming with confidence, along with the desire to take my writing to the next level. It was then I created my revolutionary system for writing and finishing my books, and publishing them, too.

Because of my system, today, I am a bestselling author with 13 books to my name, 11 books written in the past seven years. I now have the pleasure of speaking to groups of writers, and teaching them my system.

I then get the added pleasure of seeing these once failed writers succeed. I'd like to start you down the road to writing and publishing success, and I'd like to do it today for FREE.

For a limited time I'm offering you the chance to get four videos of my proven video training system for writing and publishing books. This is the same training I've used to help hundreds of writers have successful careers.

This is a limited, one time offer. When the clock at the bottom of the page goes to zero your chance to get my revolutionary video training will expire.

Are you ready to join the revolution? Act NOW and the welcome module will be sent to you today.

Now You Can Get Your Slice Of The $62 Billion Dollar Book Publishing Industry!

Signup for my Free video training system, Five Steps To Self-Publishing, and learn...

  • How to cure unfinishitis so that you can start and finish writing every book you begin
  • How to successfully publish your books, poetry, and short stories without the help of a publishing house, or paying a scammy publishing service
  • How to create your own beautiful book covers
  • How to turbocharge your writing career and make money as an author


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