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#1. Psycho fans, do you recognize this moment?
For this scene, Alfred Hitchcock had a special shower head designed so that the water never touched the camera.
#2. Which one of these is the notorious Bates Motel?
If you recognized #1 as being from The Exorcist, you have an excellent horrific eye. #2 is from The Omen. #3 is from The Birds
#3. What's happening here?
It takes a real Psycho aficionado to recognize this scene from the end of the movie where Norman is trying to act sane. NOT!
#4. Recognize this scene?
Don't let the granny gown and wig fool you. That's Norman paying Marion a little shower visit.
#5. Among the many interesting and unique things about Psycho is it contained a motion picture first. What was it?
Click PSYCHO FACTS for more interesting facts about Psycho.